SMS Gateway PHP class
Pentru a uşura integrarea de SeeMe SMS Gateway într-o aplicaţie PHP îţi oferim un SeeMe Gateway PHP class.
- $method
- Metoda de apel HTTP. Valori posibile: 'curl' sau 'file_get_contents'
- $apiUrl
- URL-ul Gateway API. ''
- $logFileDestionation
- Ruta fişierului log. Dacă nu vrei să loghezi cererile, setează valoarea false.
- $format
- Formatul răspunsului. Valoarea poate fi 'xml', 'string' sau 'json'.
__construct( $apiKey, $logFileDestination = false )
- $apiKey
- Cheia API necesară pentru autentificare. Pe pagina Setările SMS Gateway îţi putem genera una.
- $logFileDestination
- Dacă vrei logarea apelurilor Gateway, în acest parametru poţi defini ruta fişierului log (împreună cu numele fişierului). Dacă nu vrei să loghezi cererile, setează valoarea false.
sendSMS( $number = null, $message = null, $senderid = '', $reference = null, $callbackParams = null, $callbackURL = null )
Trimitere SMS.
- $number
- număr de telefon în format internaţional (cod de ţară şi cod zonă inclus), fără separatori sau semnul de plus. De exemplu: 40744123456
- $message
- Textul mesajului cu codificare UTF-8. Caractere permise.
- $senderid
- Identificarea expeditorului. Dacă nu este specificat, atunci mesajul va fi trimis cu expeditorul default setat pe pagina Setările SMS Gateway.
- $reference
- Folosit pentru identificarea mesajului în cazul apelurilor callback. Este opţional.
- $callbackParams
- PPoţi defini codurile evenimentelor şi stărilor în cazul cărora vrei apel callback într-un string, separat cu virgulă (de exemplu: '1,4,5,6,7'). Dacă vrei să primeşti apel callback despre toate, setează valoarea 'all'.
- $callbackUrl
- URL-ul apelurilor callback.
Trimiterea SMS-urilor prin Gateway, lista parametrilor
Cu ajutorul acestuia poţi interoga soldul tău.
Interogarea soldului prin SMS Gateway
Cu apelarea acestei metode vom primi răspunsul dat de gateway în formatul cerut.
SeeMeGateway class
<?php define('GATEWAY_URL', ''); /** * * SeeMe SMS Gateway class * * @version 2.0.1 SeeMeGateway * @copyright 2013, Dream Interactive Kft. * @author 2013 Adam Pinter * * @link * */ /** * CHANGELOG * 1.0.2 sendSMS() method: removed 0 param @ line: 107 * 1.0.1 http_build_query() added param arg_separator: '&' @ line: 225 * 2.0.0 uses API key, new parameter validators * 2.0.1 reference validator hotfix */ class SeeMeGateway { /** * Gateway calling method file_get_contents or curl * * @access private * @var string */ private $method = 'curl', // curl, file_get_contents $apiUrl = GATEWAY_URL, $logFileDestination = false, $format = 'json'; // string, json, xml #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #xx DO NOT EDIT CODE UNDER THIS LINE #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx private $params = array(), $result, $reference, $version = '2.0.1', $checksumLength = 4; public function __construct( $apiKey, $logFileDestination = false ) { if(!is_string($apiKey)){ throw new SeeMeGatewayException('Invalid API key type. Must be string', 1); } $this->params['key'] = trim($apiKey); if(!$this->validateApiKey($this->params['key'])){ throw new SeeMeGatewayException('Invalid API key', 18); } if($logFileDestination) { $this->logFileDestination = $logFileDestination; } } /** * Send SMS. Throws an exception on error * * @access public * @param string $number Mobile phone number in international format (pl. 36201234567) * @param string $message Message encoded in UTF-8 * @param string $sender Sender ID * @return void */ public function sendSMS( $number, $message, $sender = '', $reference = null, $callbackParams = null, $callbackURL = null ) { if(!is_string($message)){ throw new SeeMeGatewayException('Invalid message parameter type. Must be string', 1); } $params = $this->params; $params['number'] = trim($number); $params['message'] = trim($message); if(strlen($params['message']) < 1){ throw new SeeMeGatewayException('Invalid message parameter.', 1); } if($sender) { $params['sender'] = trim($sender); } if($reference) { if(!is_string($reference) && !is_numeric($reference)){ throw new SeeMeGatewayException('Invalid number reference type. Must be string or number', 1); } $params['reference'] = trim($reference); } if($callbackParams){ if($callbackParams == "all"){ $params['callback'] = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"; } else if( $this->validateCallbackParams($callbackParams) ) { $params['callback'] = $callbackParams; } else { throw new SeeMeGatewayException('Incorrect callback parameter format', 1); } } if($callbackURL) { $params['callbackurl'] = $callbackURL; } if( !is_numeric($params['number']) ){ throw new SeeMeGatewayException( "Only numbers are allowed: number", "2" ); } $result = $this->callAPI( $params ); return $this->parseResult( $result ); } public function getBalance() { $params = $this->params; $params['method'] = 'balance'; $result = $this->callAPI( $params ); return $this->parseResult( $result ); } public function setIP( $ip ) { $params = $this->params; $params['method'] = 'setip'; $params['ip'] = trim($ip); if( !$this->validateIP( $ip ) ){ throw new SeeMeGatewayException( "Parameter is invalid: ip", "15" ); } $result = $this->callAPI( $params ); return $this->parseResult( $result ); } /** * Returns the call's result * * @access public * @return string */ public function getResult() { return $this->result; } /** * Parse the callback result * * @access private * @param string $result * @return array */ public function parseResult( $result ) { switch ( $this->format ){ case 'string': if(!is_string($result)){ throw new Exception("SeeMe Gateway: Wrong return format type. Must be a string"); } parse_str( $result, $resultparts ); break; case 'json': $resultparts = json_decode($result,true); break; case 'xml': $resultparts = json_decode(json_encode((array)simplexml_load_string($result)),1); break; default: throw new Exception("SeeMe Gateway: Unexpected return format"); break; } $this->result = $resultparts; $this->logToFile($resultparts); switch ( @$resultparts['result'] ) { case 'OK': // SMS submitted successfully return $resultparts; break; case 'ERR': // error during SMS submit throw new SeeMeGatewayException( $resultparts['message'], $resultparts['code'] ); break; default: throw new Exception( 'SeeMe Gateway: unimplemented result '. '"' . @$resultparts['code'] . '", ' . '"' . @$resultparts['message'] . '", '. 'raw result: "' . $result . '"' ); break; } } private function callAPI( array $params ) { if(isset($this->format)){ $params['format'] = $this->format; } $params['apiVersion'] = $this->version; // SeeMe GW api version $apiUrl = $this->apiUrl.'?'.http_build_query( $params, '', '&' ); $this->logToFile( "----------------------------" ); $this->logToFile( $this->method . ': ' . $apiUrl ); switch ( trim($this->method) ) { case 'file_get_contents': if ( !ini_get('allow_url_fopen') ) { throw new Exception("SeeMe Gateway: can't use allow_url_fopen method."); } $result = file_get_contents( $apiUrl ); break; case 'curl': if ( !extension_loaded('curl') ) { throw new Exception('SeeMe Gateway: CURL not installed on your server'); } $result = $this->callCURL( $apiUrl ); break; default: throw new Exception('SeeMe Gateway: unimplemented callingMethod: "' . $this->method . '"'); } if ( $result === false ) { throw new Exception( 'SeeMe Gateway: failed to open file_get_contents("' . $apiUrl . '")' ); } return $result; } private function callCURL( $apiUrl ) { $cURL = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array( $cURL, array( CURLOPT_URL => $apiUrl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, // CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS => 2000, // CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 10, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR => true, )); $result = curl_exec( $cURL ); $httpcode = curl_getinfo( $cURL, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE ); if ( $result === false ) { throw new Exception( 'SeeMe Gateway: CURL ERROR: ' . $httpcode . ', ' . curl_error( $cURL ) ); } else { return $result; } } /** * Validate callback parameters * * @access private * @param string $params * @return boolean */ private function validateCallbackParams($params){ return preg_match( '/^[0-9]{1,2}(\,[0-9]{1,2})*$/', $params ); } /** * Validate IP parameter * * @access private * @param string $ip * @return boolean */ private function validateIP($ip){ return preg_match( "/^(([1-9]?[0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).){3}([1-9]?[0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$/", $ip); } private function validateApiKey($hash) { $key = substr($hash, 0, -$this->checksumLength); $checksum = substr($hash, -$this->checksumLength); return substr(md5($key), 0, $this->checksumLength) == $checksum; } /** * Log to file * * @access private * @param string $string * @return null */ private function logToFile( $string ) { if ( $this->logFileDestination ) { $f = fopen( $this->logFileDestination, 'a' ); if ( !$f ) throw new Exception('SeeMe Gateway: failed to fopen( "' . $this->logFileDestination . '" )' ); if( is_array($string) ){ foreach($string AS $key=>$value){ fputs( $f, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . ' - ' . $key . ' => ' . $value . "\n" ); } } else { fputs( $f, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . ' - ' . $string . "\n" ); } fclose( $f ); } } } class SeeMeGatewayException extends Exception { public function __construct($response,$errorCode) { $this->response = $response; $this->errorCode = $errorCode; parent::__construct( $response, $errorCode ); } public function __toString() { return __CLASS__ . ": SEEME_GATEWAY_ERROR #{$this->errorCode}, {$this->response}\n"; } }